Poultry RMP Verification PricingIndependent third-party audit and verification services for New Zealand’s poultry industry

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Poultry RMP Verification Pricing

Hourly Rate


per hour

Travel Costs


per hour


per kilometre

Verification Programme Fee


per verification

Offsite – NC Close out

(For all non compliances from the audit)


per close out

Onsite – NC Close out

(if needing to go to site)


per hour


per kilometre

*All prices exclude GST

Example of charging

An audit takes 4 hours on site and the auditor travelled 50 kms.

Pre Audit time (1 hr)$165.00
Total audit time (4 hrs)$660.00
Kilometre Charge (50 kms)$32.50
Travel time$77.50
Post Audit time/review (1.5 hrs)$247.50
Programme fee$311.00

Total Audit Fee$1493.50 + GST


Your audit specialistExperts in on-farm assurance

We are a world-class audit company with over 20 years of experience.

We develop, implement and audit animal welfare, biosecurity, environmental sustainability, and food safety assurance programmes.

Our work helps businesses in the primary sector assure the quality of their products so that they can protect and enhance their reputation.

We go beyond just auditing; we actively support farmers and growers with best-practice solutions. Partnering with QCONZ means investing in a relationship that enhances long-term market access both in New Zealand and internationally.

We’re here to help

  •  ISO Certified
  •  MPI Recognised Agency
  •  Over 50 auditors and verifiers nationwide and growing
  •  Experienced and reliable

QCONZ is the leading provider of risk management programme (RMP) verification for the broiler meat chicken industry in New Zealand and we have extended our scope to be verifiers for egg producers.

We are excited to offer our services to egg farmers nationwide.
Contact us today.