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Courses we offer

We offer a number of farm training courses across different sectors, and are a service provider to NZMPTA, detergent suppliers, dairy company quality and internal audit personnel, offering classroom and on-farm workshops.


QCONZ has developed and deliver a comprehensive suite of trainer and assessor training materials to ensure consistent high quality training is provided across the country.

The Certificate in Animal Wellbeing (Dairy) – Level 4

Designed for dairy farm owners, managers and 2ICs, the program goes beyond welfare compliance, and focuses on the benefits to be gained through affordable, practical, good animal care practices.

Food Safety Methods

Understanding of practices that result in safe food for working in a food business.

Food Contamination Hazards

Knowledge and methods to control of hazards that cause food borne illness and food spoilage.

HACCP in the Dairy Industry

Legislative requirements for HACCP plans and identifying and controlling food safety hazards.

Food Safety Programmes

Benefits of a food safety programme, monitoring and recording Critical Control Points, and corrective actions.

Quality Management Auditing

Understand Quality systems and procedures and learn the necessary steps to audit a quality system.

Sensory Milk Grading

Covers NZFSA Raw Milk Acceptance Standards plus mechanics of sample taking and presentation.

Exotic Disease Response

Foot and Mouth Disease, responsibilities for movement, processing, & roles in an outbreak.

Fertiliser Spreading

Developed by QCONZ in collaboration with the New Zealand Fertiliser Council and Federated Farmers, this online course assists farmers when spreading their own fertiliser.


Fertiliser Spreading Online Training Course

The course teaches and verifies a number of important areas:

  • Key methods to help minimise the environmental impacts when spreading fertiliser.
  • Fertiliser application and how you can maximise farm productivity.
  • Health & Safety requirements to ensure everyone is kept safe.

The course is made up of 6 online modules (details below). Once completed you will be issued with a certificate of completion.

Course costs $55 per person.

Easy sign up – pay on credit card and receive instructions on how to access and complete the course.  Alternatively, contact QCONZ on 0800 726 695 to organise an invoice and arrange payment by internet banking.

Module 1 - Introduction

This module introduces the course and covers general fertiliser knowledge and health and safety requirements when spreading fertiliser.

Module 2 - Environmental Impact 1

This module covers the environmental impact of nitrogen fertiliser including nitrogen leaching, and what you can do to prevent this.

Module 3 - Environmental Impact 2

This module covers the transporting of fertiliser, pre-application checks and best practice spreading method.

Module 4 - Agronomy

This agronomy module covers the importance of balancing the application of fertiliser nutrients to match plant requirements and the importance of minimising the risk of nutrient losses.

Module 5 - Wash-down and Records

This module covers the fertiliser spreader wash-down procedure, what to do if you spill fertiliser and keeping records of fertiliser application.

Module 6 - Spreader calibration

This module covers fertiliser spreader calibration and the method used to record this.

Training solutions