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Information Leader

QCONZ are users of and New Zealand’s agent for iLeader.

iLeader is a document and data management system.

This system allows data and documents for compliance to be collected and managed centrally. It’s a fully integrated system which provides you with the information you need to monitor and manage performance and satisfy compliance requirements.

If you are looking to move to a customisable, paperless system or an existing user wishing to optimise to build in more functionality – talk to us about how we can help improve your quality management capability.

  • Real-time, electronic data capture
  • Consolidates business information
  • Used by organisations throughout the world
  • Complete traceability of all information
  • Web based solution – easily access via intranet, internet, locally or cloud
  • Complies with international standards
  • Grows with your organisation across multiple sites
  • Flexible enough for any industry

How it works?

iLeader is an extremely flexible platform with a wide range of features and options to ensure that it fits with your business work flows. The platform has comprehensive data integrity and traceability features that meet or exceed internationally accepted reporting standards.

We can design and build forms that match your business operations. Alternatively, you can build the forms yourself. These forms can be linked to comprehensive reports and even other back office work processes.

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