Digital SolutionsInnovative use of technology streamlines the audit process and delivers insights and data in a simpler, smarter and more robust way for our clients and customers.

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We use innovative technology and best audit practice to develop scalable solutions for our clients. Our own systems manage in excess of 40,000+ farm visits per year with real-time data and reporting delivered for customers, farmers, and any other parties involved in the process. Solutions allow us to be on property in any part of the country, and delivering near-realtime outputs and insights from that visit to the desks of customer representatives, excellence programme managers, and any other parties right up to executive level.

An example is our streamlined audit and farm visit booking management systems. Auditors can easily see who is due for audits, and when, across any of the multiple programmes we deliver on, and simply coordinate bookings. Communications with farmer are vastly improved and streamlined with automated emails, reminders, and txt updates. Of course, nothing ever replaces a great phone conversation, but by using technology it can make the process very clear and easy. Efficiencies are realised as auditors can reduce their travel time and work together, and outbound reports of pending visits can mean that related supply companies and organisation can be involved in supporting their farmers through the audit process.

Technology allows us to improve audit and communications in ways that were traditionally difficult within the New Zealand farming environment.

Integration into customer dashboards and portals is a hugely important part of delivering our services, and we do this across multiple technologies. Outcomes and insights from audits and visits done today are available for farmers to view in their supply portals the very next day. Similarly, pre-audit evidence is uploaded to customer portals which via the use of clever API’s and data-transfer systems allows auditors access to information before they reach the farm – again driving efficiency and improving communication and expectations.

Additionally, we have a number of products which are extensively used by New Zealand Farmers, Consultants, Organisations, and Industry Groups. We specialise in building solutions which incorporate the latest web, database, and Mobile App technology for us on farm. Our Digital QA product Farmscope allow the user to work “offline” for use in patchy rural areas. The FreshWater Farm Plan system harnesses the power of mapping for generating farm maps and action plans for environmental management. The Milk Quality Analysis app is an extensive mobile app systems provide farmers with instant updates on production and quality data, all updated in near-real time with laboratory analysis results arrive with a notification on the phone in their pocket.

Get in touch if your assurance programme could utilise any of our systems or technologies.

Our Digital Products