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FWFP | QCONZ Freshwater Farm Plan tool

An affordable digital system for farmers and growers

QCONZ has designed a Freshwater Farm Plan (FWFP) tool to enable farmers and farm consultants to electronically build their own freshwater farm plan. The system is affordable, intuitive, and includes a wizard feature to step you easily through the plan building process.

What is a freshwater farm plan?

A freshwater farm plan identifies practical on-farm actions that are aimed to help improve waterways and overall water quality across New Zealand. This plan is a requirement for pastoral or arable farming enterprises of 20 hectares or more, or horticultural enterprises of 5 hectares or more. The regulations have taken effect in several regions throughout New Zealand and are likely to be rolled out in all regions by July 2025.
Find out more here

The benefits of a freshwater farm plan

  • It helps farmers identify and mitigate environmental risks and meet regulation.
  • It makes it easier for farmers to access cheaper finance (sustainable/green loans).
  • It gives farm owners peace of mind that risks are managed when setting the farm up for succession or bringing on share farmers.
  • It makes the farm operation more appealing when looking to attract share farmers and staff.
  • It gives potential property buyers more confidence a farm has been well managed and is compliant with local regulations.
  • Creating the plan builds deeper understanding of your property’s risk profile and the mitigation options.


QCONZ Freshwater Farm Plan tool is affordable, easy to use, saves you time and meets regulations.

Check out the QCONZ FWFP website for more information on this tool, pricing, sign-up, user support tools and more.

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